Our Services
Welcome to St Mary’s
Sundays at 9.15am
Sung Eucharist - First Sunday
Mattins - Second Sunday
Said Eucharist - Third Sunday
NEW for 2025
Evensong at 5pm fourth Sunday
St Mary's is normally OPEN

5pm, Sunday 26th January
With the Pyrton Singers
A traditional service of Evensong led by our Rector, Rev'd Daniel - an evensong enthusiast - and boosted by 'The Pyrton Singers', a new small group of singers who include some members of the Oxford Welsh Choir.
The acoustics in St Mary's have been described as "amongst the best half dozen churches outside London." The Director of the Royal College of Music describes the sound as being "lively" and "almost epic quality".
We are looking forward to skilled singers enhancing our enjoyment of the service. Refreshments, including wine, will be served afterwards.
Do come and join us!